
Minimal Lined Wave Pattern

Canada, it’s time to


The #WashSmarter Canada Campaign is an ​environmental campaign launched by Thông Quách ​with The 5 Gyres Institute to combat microfiber ​polllution from washing machines in Canada!



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Canada's ecosystems are being ​polluted by our washing machines.

Microfibers are tiny threads (<5 mm) shed from our clothing.

Clothing can be made from natural materials such as cotton, wool, and linen or synthetic materials such as polyester, spandex, and ​nylon. Synthetic materials are different types of plastic made from the burning of fossil fuels, so they don't decompose. However, they ​can be notorious polluters when released into our environment. 60% of clothing is still made from synthetic materials.

Up to 18 million microfibers are released each cycle in a washer.

Microfiber pollution has been found everywhere, from our agricultural crops to bodies of water such as rivers and oceans, and even in ​many animals and wildlife. Scientists have even found synthetic microfibers in the tissue and bloodstream of the human heart. ​Depending on infrastructure capabilities, wastewater treatment plants can't capture all microfibers due to their microscopic size.

Up to 89% of microfibers are captured in filters installed in washers.

The goal of the #WashSmarter Canada campaign is to push policymakers in Canada to mandate microfiber filters in all new washing ​machines to prevent the pollution of synthetic microfibers in our environment and educate young Canadians regarding the impacts of ​plastic microfiber pollution in our natural ecosystems through numerous different methods of communication.



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We work hard to protect our environment.

Learn more about our initiatives!

The #WashSmarter Canada Campaign’s primary goal is for Canada to have legislation mandating the ​addition of microfiber filters in all new washing machines. In order to achieve this objective, we launch ​initiatives within the campaign that all work towards our goal of mandated filters. If you want to help us ​achieve our goals and join the campaign for a cleaner Canada, explore the initiatives below!



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#Petition2024 is the largest initiative led by ​youth in Canada to push policymakers for ​legislation requiring washer filtration.

Member of Parliament Laurel Collins from Victoria, BC, has agreed to present #Petition2024 in the House of ​Commons once a representative from #WashSmarter Canada releases the final campaigning and signee ​collection date for #Petition2024. #WashSmarter Canada's #Petition2024 is a paper petition campaign built ​around compliance with the House of Commons procedures. Digital signatures will not be accepted for this ​purpose. Therefore, please print out the following files.



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Hello! My name is Thông Quách

I’m the founder of #WashSmarter!

I am a 16-year-old student researcher driven by my passion for protecting the resources of our natural ​ecosystems. I have multiple years of experience collaborating with universities and government research ​institutions. I possess skills in public relations and communications, working with public and private ​stakeholders, non-governmental organizations, and hundreds of democratically elected governmental ​representatives from all levels of power. Let’s work together on building a cleaner Canada!



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Contact Information

General Contact

Thông Quách

+1 (306)-700-0630



The #WashSmarter Canada Campaign is financed by its campaign lead, Thông Quách. It cooperates with 5 Gyres for research and policy recommendations. The 5 ​Gyres Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and has been in special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council since 2017.